And just like that, I'm 42 😎. Where? Mostly in my left knee and when my sciatica flares up 😫🤣, but seriously, I am feeling grateful for all the experiences and opportunities life has given me so far. As I reflect on the past year, I realize that I want to continue to create more and experience life to the fullest. This gift called life is too short to not live it with intention and authenticity. Cheers to another year of growth, opportunities, adventure, love, good health, and good company. God, I thank you.

Gratitude for the Experiences
As I look back on the past year, I can't help but feel grateful for all the experiences and opportunities life has brought my way. From the little victories to the big adventures, every moment has shaped who I am today.
Creating More and Experiencing Life to the Fullest
They say life begins at 40, but for me, it's a continuation of the thrilling adventure I've been on. Turning 42 is a reminder to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Whether it's trying a new hobby, exploring a different corner of the world, or taking on exciting challenges, I am eager to push my boundaries and see what life has in store. After all, growth happens when we allow ourselves to wander into the unknown.
The Gift Called Life: Living with Intention and Authenticity
In this year of 42 I plan to embrace 'Michelle" completely. One of the greatest gifts I've received is the realization that authenticity is key to a fulfilling life. As I celebrate 42 years of existence, I am determined to be unapologetically myself. Embracing my quirks, imperfections, and unique qualities has given me a sense of freedom and happiness that cannot be matched. It's a reminder that life is too short to waste on pretending to be someone else.
Love, Good Health, and Good Company
No birthday celebration is complete without acknowledging the importance of love, good health, and good company. With every birthday that passes, I become increasingly aware of the importance of good health and the value of genuine connections. Age has taught me to cherish my physical well-being and prioritize self-care. Taking care of my body, both physically and mentally, ensures that I can continue to enjoy life's adventures. Additionally, I am grateful for the my family and friends who have made the journey all the more meaningful.
Farewell 41
Cheers to 42 – a year of living life to the fullest and making every moment count. I'm raising a glass to the adventures that await, the love that surrounds me, and the joy that comes from embracing each day with open arms. Here's to being 42 and loving every second of it! 🥂